The event aimed to be a discussion with the practical aspects

When: February 28, 2019, Thursday,  11:00 val.  

Where: Mykolas Romeris University, MRU LAB building, Didlaukio g. 55, Vilnius

Audience:  for members only     the registration form 


11:00–11:30 val. Review of  widely implemented  innovations in journal publishing.
Projects: Dimensions; Metadata SearchI4OC ; Crossref Members with open references; Event DataParticipation Reports; ScienceOpenTrendMD; Portico; LOCKSS; Publons; and more  
Eleonora Dagienė, VGTU Press, the Association of Lithuanian Serials

1200–12:30 val. Difficulties in switching to a fully-fledged online scholarly journal: the Experience of Vilnius University Press.
Dr Vincas Grigas, Vilnius University Press, Head of Scholarly Journals
Vigintas Stancelis, Vilnius University Press, Administrator of Scholarly Journals

13:00–13:30 val.  PubliMill: Hosting platform from Lithuania. A success story of journal development.    
What are the emerging trends in scholarly publishing industry and how to address them? Capabilities and benefits of a hosting platform.
Rokas Maliukevičius ir Miroslav Šeibak, VTeX