European Humanities University joined the Association of Lithuanian Serials.

The European Humanities University was founded in Minsk in 1992. EHU was the first educational institution in Belarus, modeled on prestigious foreign colleges and universities and based on a fundamental study of the humanities and social sciences. The new independent University proclaimed its mission to revive European values in Belarus during the transition from totalitarianism to an open and free civil society. However, the University’s educational efforts for democratic transformation met with active opposition and repressive pressure from the regime. After the University’s closure in 2004, EHU continued its work in Vilnius, with broad support from the Lithuanian government, the European Commission, and international foundations and organizations.

Today, the European Humanities University is an international university with over 1,100 students from 13 countries. Our mission is to promote civil society development through Humanities and Liberal Arts.

EHU’s Liberal Arts model is an educational model that focuses on developing interdisciplinary

knowledge, critical thinking, creativity, and intellectual flexibility rather than a narrow specialization.

The combination of fundamental liberal arts knowledge and practical skills, traditional academic and interactive learning formats makes studying at EHU a unique experience.

European Humanities University published scholarly journal Topos: