The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences is an academic library of state significance, a research, cultural and educational institution competent to ensure implementation of state policy on information, research, education, and culture. Owing to its historically formed collections of written heritage, the Library is an institution for research into documentary heritage of the history of scholarship and culture. Its staff consists of 152 employees, 131 of whom are qualified specialists, and 12 have a Ph. D. degree.
Since 2004, the Library has been publishing a scholarly serial publication
Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka=
The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
ISSN 1648-9772
Editor-in-Chief Dr. Daiva Narbutienė
The publication is published annually. It publishes research studies in the fields of bibliography, library science, document studies, book studies, literature, linguistics, and cultural history. Each submitted scholarly paper is evaluated by two reviewers. The publication is referenced in the international “Lituanistika” database.