European Humanities University
About the University The European Humanities University was founded in Minsk in 1992. EHU was the first educational institution in Belarus, modeled on prestigious [...]
General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
The Academy publishes five peer-reviewed scholarly journals: Karo archyvas ISSN 1392-6489/eISSN 2424-6123 Scientific editor dim. plk. ltn. dr. Gintautas Surgailis Šiuolaikinės visuomenės ugdymo veiksniai ISSN 2424-6131/eISSN 2424-614X Scientific editor [...]
Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania
About the centre Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania was established in 1997. It investigates all manifestations of genocide and crimes against humanity and [...]
Institute of Hygiene
Institute of Hygiene In 1997, the Center of Excellence of Healthcare and Pharmacy Specialists (now, Institute of Hygiene) started publishing a specialized periodical newspaper for [...]
Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore
The Institute publishes four peer-reviewed scholarly journals: Colloquia. ISSN 1823-3737 (print) Editor-in-Chief prof. dr. Gitana Vanagaitė (Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, Vytautas Magnus University), atsakingoji redaktorė [...]
Institute of Sociology of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences
Lietuvos socialinė raida / Social Development of Lithuania ISSN 2029-963X / eISSN 2424-497X Edited by: Prof. Dr Boguslavas Gruževskis Dr Rūta Brazienė Dr Sandra Krutulienė [...]
Kaunas University of Applied Sciences
About Kaunas University of Applied Sciences A multi-profile state higher education institution training specialists in technology, informatics, engineering, medicine, humanities, social, art, education, business and [...]
Kaunas University of Technology
About Kaunas University of Technology The University publishes nine peer-reviewed research journals, five of which are refereed with impact factor in the Clarivate Analytics Web [...]