Mission of the Association is to use its best endeavours to unite the Lithuanian research journal publishers and to promote the development of innovative technologies in publishing to speed and facilitate scholarly research.
President (2022–): Vincas Grigas | Vilnius University Press
Chair of the Council (2022–): Adriana Kviklienė | Kaunas University of Technology
Council members (2022–):
Vincas Grigas | Vilnius University
Rita Vaičekauskaitė | Klaipeda University
Adriana Kvieklienė | Kaunas University of Technology
Zigmas Kairaitis | Lithuanian Geographical Society
Asta Zarauskienė | Lithuanian Sports University
The financial activities of the Association are reviewed by Miroslav Šeibak, VTeX
The Association units Lithuanian journal publishers. More about membership in Lithuanian
The Association of Lithuanian Serials has a small administrative team, this is why you need to contact Vincas Grigas, the president of the association if you are willing to contact in English.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +370 650 72157
Office Address: 9 Saulėtekis av., III building, 418 room, LT-10222 Vilnius, Lithuania.
Purposes and tasks of activities of the Association
Lithuanian journals and publishers
The Association of Lithuanian Serials unites 31 members that publish 142 scholarly journals. Its mission is to help national journals become innovative and respond to the needs of current scholarly communication. Members >>
The Association of Lithuanian Serials is the only Sponsoring member of Crossref in Lithuania. Currently the association publishes books for promoting professional academic publishing. Publishing >>
We organise events for keep our members and Lithuanian academic community updated with the newest implementations in scholarly communication. The full list of events organised 2010- .
Events >>