The coordinator and main publisher of the scientific journal is the Kaunas University of Technology, main partners-publishers who signed a cooperation agreement are:
Aleksandras Stulginskis University
Lithuanian Energy Institute
Šiauliai University
Vytautas Magnus University
EREM is included in SCOPUS database since 2016.
It is intended to publisch scientific papers dealing with the following problems: technology of inorganic materials, technology of organic materials, food chemistry and technology http://chemtech.ktu.lt/index.php/Chem
ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA is a peer-reviewed bimonthly research journal of Kaunas University of Technology.
The research journal ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA publishes previously unpublished high scientific level articles imposed not only for specialists but also to the wider public. Major fields of interest include electronics and communications, electric energy, instrumentation and control, and automation.
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Journal European Integration Studies: Research and Topicalities is dealing with interdisciplinary field of European Union law, economics, policies and history research with the aim to form the common ground for discussion, exchange of ideas and to foster the integrated research concerned with problems and actualities of European integration processes.
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About Kaunas University of Technology
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