Lithuanian research center of health sciences is a publisher of two scholarly journals:
Medical Sciences / Medicinos mokslai
ISSN: 2345-0592
Editor-in-Chief Dr. Rasa Baltušytė
Founded in 2012. Aims of the journal: sharing significant scientific ideas, improving and spreading it over scientific societies. One of the main resulting priorities – increasing the popularity of medical researches and science. Integrity – is one of the most specific attributes of the journal. Journal articles mainly deal with wide medical topics. The journal is indexed in Index Copernicus, and Index Medicine.
Radiology Update
ISSN: 2424-5755
Editor-in-Chief prof. Algidas Basevičius
Founded in 2015. Radiology Update is devoted to publishing new research that demonstrates a significant impact or advance of scientific understanding of interest to the radiology research community. Members of editorial board are international reviewers from various countries. The journal is indexed in Index Copernicus.