Round table discussion “Research journals publishing: plagiarism prevention and publication ethics”
Organizers: Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, The Association of Lithuanian Serials
Date: November-07- 2012 (Wednesday) 10:00 a.m. till 12:00 a.m.
Place: Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Small Hall (Gedimino pr. 3, Vilnius).
Target group: editors of research journals, members of editorial boards and everyone who is related to research journals publishing.
At the discussion:
1. The CrossCheck system for plagiarism prevention shall be presented (manuscript checking (formats, time imput etc.), estimation of the matches discovered and so on). The editors who participate in LAS project “Publication of Scientific Periodicals” and use this system shall share their experience.
The information how in 2013 all Lithuanian research journals may use CrossCheck shall be presented to the participants of discussion. A great part of system using expenses shall be covered for the editorial boards of research journals who wish to use CrossCheck according to an agreement of granting of support for academic association “Lithuanian research journals dissemination worldwide through membership at CrossRef” (Nr. ACO-13/2012). If you are interested in this possibility, please apply to Eleonora Dagiene in an email [email protected]
2. It shall be discussed how much Lithuanian research journals are able to apply The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)* proposed decisions in situations which happen in worldwide publishing of research journals a lot: submitted manuscript is already published in the other journal; possible plagiarism has been found in submitted manuscript; it was applied to the editorial board because of plagiarism published in journal; editorial board is requested to change a list of the authors in a manuscript which is submitted, reviewed or already prepared for publishing; apparently counterfeit data is presented in manuscript etc. You can find advices how to behave in one or in other situation related to ethics violation in COPE web site. This part of discussion is intended to be transferred into the interactive web sites at the beginning of the 2013.
You may download the summary of round table discussion here [PDF]