27 2024-11

Invitation to the event “Advancing Open Science: The Barcelona Declaration and Open Research Information”

By |2024-11-27T14:51:45+02:002024-11-27|Categories: Events, Posts|

The hybrid event “Advancing Open Science: The Barcelona Declaration and Open Research Information“ will take place on 6 December 2024 at 11:00 a.m. (EET) at Mykolas Romeris University, 55 Didlaukio St., Vilnius, Lithuania. At this seminar the transformative principles of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Science will be highlighted, featuring insights from experts and university alliances [...]

20 2023-11

Video recording of the international conference “Periodicals and a changing society. Periodicals in Lithuanian – 200”

By |2023-11-20T11:24:46+02:002023-11-20|Categories: Events, Posts|

Here is a video of the conference: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5bz0dbXpVagtcHnv4uvApkhvCakzohMr On 20 October, one of the sessions was devoted to periodicals and digital publishing, moderated by Prof. Dr. Rita Vaičekauskaitė, member of the Board of the Association. Session recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DKdesOO6CM&list=PL5bz0dbXpVagtcHnv4uvApkhvCakzohMr&index=5 Session programme (in English): 9:00–9:10 Opening of the second day of the conference 5 session. Periodicals and digital [...]

30 2023-06

The program of the international conference “Periodical publications and a changing society. Periodical press in Lithuanian – 200” has been published

By |2023-11-20T11:15:57+02:002023-06-30|Categories: Events, Posts|

The program of the conference: https://www.ibsc2023.kf.vu.lt/programa/ More about the conference: The periodical press, as a means of mass communication, reflects the collective relationship with a society. It is the fourth estate governing humankind without any laws or punishments and responsible to readers and the state. East, Central and North Europe regions entered the age of the [...]

20 2023-05

International research conference “The Periodicals and a Changing Society: The 200th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Periodical Press”

By |2023-11-20T10:59:16+02:002023-05-20|Categories: Events, Posts|

The periodical press, as a means of mass communication, reflects the collective relationship with a society. It is the fourth estate governing humankind without any laws or punishments and responsible to readers and the state. East, Central and North Europe regions entered the age of the periodical press at different times–mid-17th c. to early 19th c.–however, [...]

18 2020-12

Seminar: Using Digital Identifiers in Increasing the Dissemination of Scholarly Publications

By |2020-12-18T14:02:23+02:002020-12-18|Categories: Events, Posts|

The Visoriai Information Technology Park, the Science Publishing Cluster, The Association of Lithuanian Serials, Vilnius University, and the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania are continuing the event cycle designed for the scientific publishing community and now invite participants to take part in new digital seminars focused on the most advanced breakthroughs in global scholarly publishing. [...]

06 2020-10

Recording and slides of a seminar on The Aspect of Copyrights in Developing Open Access

By |2020-10-06T14:00:07+03:002020-10-06|Categories: Events, Posts|

The Visoriai Information Technology Park, the Science Publishing Cluster together with The Association of Lithuanian Serials, Vilnius University, and the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania are continuing the event cycle designed for the Lithuanian scientific publishing community and now invite participants to take part in new digital seminars focused on the most advanced breakthroughs in [...]

27 2020-08

The Aspect of Copyrights in Developing Open Access

By |2020-09-03T07:05:45+03:002020-08-27|Categories: Events, Posts|

The Visoriai Information Technology Park, the Science Publishing Cluster together with The Association of Lithuanian Serials, Vilnius University, and the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania are continuing the event cycle designed for the Lithuanian scientific publishing community and now invite participants to take part in new digital seminars focused on the most advanced breakthroughs in [...]

18 2019-06

Open Access Scientific Publishing Conference 2019

By |2019-07-19T10:26:39+03:002019-06-18|Categories: Events, Posts|

  Visoriai information technology Park, Science and Educational Publishing Technology Cluster together with The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, The Association of Lithuanian Serials, Vilnius University and Vytautas Magnus University, and Baltic Institute of Advanced Technology will co-organize the “Open Access Scientific Publishing Conference 2019: Value (Lithuanian) Dimension”. The Conference will be a one-day event taking place on 19 September [...]

03 2019-02

News from the journal publishing industry

By |2019-02-25T11:54:37+02:002019-02-03|Categories: Events|

The event aimed to be a discussion with the practical aspects When: February 28, 2019, Thursday,  11:00 val.   Where: Mykolas Romeris University, MRU LAB building, Didlaukio g. 55, Vilnius Audience:  for members only     the registration form  PROGRAMME 11:00–11:30 val. Review of  widely implemented  innovations in journal publishing. Projects: Dimensions; Metadata Search; I4OC ; Crossref Members with open references; Event Data;  [...]

15 2017-03

Discussion Peer-Review in Scientific Journal: Measuring the Quality

By |2018-09-03T15:05:12+03:002017-03-15|Categories: Events|

Organisers of the Conference: Research Council of Lithuania, The Association of Lithuanian Serials, ISM University of Management and Economics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University   The Conference will be held on March 20, 2017 at  ISM University of Management and Economics,  auditorium 411, Arklių g. 18,  LT-01129  Vilnius, Lithuania The discussion welcomes journal editors, publishers, university policy makers, representatives of research institutions, [...]

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