About university
The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences is the largest institution of higher education for biomedical sciences in Lithuania, successfully integrating studies, research, and clinical practice. LSMU consists of two main academies: Medical Academy and Veterinary Academy.
Updated 14 of April, 2023.

Research Journals
ISSN: 1648-9144, ISSN 1648-9233 (Supplement)
Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Edgaras Stankevičius
‘Medicina’ is a peer-reviewed monthly scientific journal of Lithuanian Medical Association, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Vilnius University that is indexed and abstracted in Thomson Reuters Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, MEDLINE, Index Copernicus and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
‘Medicina’ impact factor is 2.948 (5-year impact factor is 2.985) according to the Journal Citation Reports® 2021, published by Clarivate Analytics. The CiteScore 2021 of articles published in ‘Medicina’ over the last three years is 2.7 (powered by Scopus).
Nursing Education, Research, & Practice
ISSN 2029-705X
Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Edgaras Stankevičius
The journal ‘Nursing Education, Research, & Practice’ is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed, international general research journal that specifically aims to become a platform available for Eastern European countries with post-Soviet nursing and midwifery systems to share new ideas and demonstrate rapid and significant advancements in the nursing and midwifery disciplines.
The purpose is to advance knowledge and disseminate research findings that are directly relevant to the practice of nursing and midwifery. The journal publishes scholarly papers on all aspects of care in the nursing and midwifery professions including theory, clinical practice and education, history, policy and administration, ethics and new technologies.
ISSN 1392-2130, eISSN 2669-2511
Editor-in-Chief Dr. Evaldas Šlyžius
‘Veterinarija ir Zootechnika’ is a bi-annual, international scientific journal publishing original research and review papers on all aspects of veterinary medicine, food safety and animal sciences since 1924. From 1952 to 1994 journal was published under the title ‘Acta of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy’. After decision of the Research Council of Lithuania under the auspices of the Government of Republic of Lithuania from year 1995 scientific journal ‘Veterinarija ir Zootechnika’ (Vet Med Zoot) was re-established as the Official Organ of the Veterinary Academy (VA) in collaboration with Veterinary Academy, Veterinary Institute, LVA Animal Science Institute, Lithuanian University of Agriculture and Immunology Institute of Vilnius University.
ISSN 2783-6797
Co-Editor in Chief: Levan Metreveli, MD, PhD
Co-Editor in Chief: Ramunė Kalėdienė MD, PhD
Co-Editor in Chief: Antoniya Yanakieva MPH, PhD
Medical and Health Sciences Education for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (MEDH-EECA) is an annual, peer-reviewed, international general research and practice journal.