About Vilnius University journals
Following traditions of the academic publishing since 1575, Vilnius University Press publishes scientific, informational, promotional, scientific popular books (monographs, studies, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, publications of sources, etc.), study literature (textbooks, educational books, teaching and methodological tools), scientific periodicals, PhD theses.
Updated January 24th, 2024.

Journals published by or with Vilnius University
Acta humanitarica academiae Saulensis, ISSN 2783-6789 (Online), Editor-in-Chief Regina Keršytė.
Acta Medica Lituana, ISSN 1392-0138, eISSN 2029-4174, Editor-in-Chief Rimantas Jankauskas.
Acta Medica Lituanica is the peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by Vilnius University in collaboration with the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the National Cancer Institute. It publishes papers on high quality research, mostly from Lithuania, the Baltic countries, and Eastern Europe.
Registered in Scopus.
Acta Museologica Lithuanica, eISSN 2351-5112, Editor-in-Chief Rimvydas Laužikas
Founded in 2013 and dedicated to publishing articles on museology: the history of museums, collecting and musealization, expositions and exhibitions, communication of heritage, digital technologies, education and communication, management and policy.
Acta Orientalia Vilnensia, ISSN 1648-2662, eISSN 2424-6026, Editor-in-Chief Audrius Beinorius
Founded in 2000, published in English and dedicated to publishing empirical, theoretical and historical studies of the regions of the Indian Subcontinent, the Middle East, Central Asia, the Far East and Southeast Asia.
Last issue published in 2016.
Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia ISSN 1392-5016 Editor-in-Chief Irena Stonkuvienė
Founded in 1991 and dedicated to publishing empirical and theoretical studies and analyses in education that constitute contributions to the understanding and/or improvement of educational processes.
Registered in Scopus.
Archaeologia Lituana ISSN 1392-6748 Editor-in-Chief Albinas Kuncevičius.
Founded in 1999 and dedicated to publishing articles on the history and methodology of archaeology as well as publishing important archaeological research in the Baltic region.
Registered in Scopus.
Bibliotheca Lituana, ISSN 2424-3477, eISSN 2424-4422, Editor-in-Chief Arvydas Pacevičius
Founded in 2011. Dedicated to library history and documental heritage.
Baltic Journal of Political Science, ISSN 2335-2337, eISSN 2424-5488, Editor-in-Chief Liutauras Gudžinskas
Founded in 2012. Dedicated to publishing articles on political theory, imparative politics, international relations and public policy with a focus on the states in the Baltic sea region.
Last issue published in 2019.
Baltistica, ISSN 0132-6503, eISSN 2345-0045, Editor-in-Chief Bonifacas Stundžia
Founded in 1958. Dedicated to publishing articles on synchronic and diachronic research into various aspects of language studies as well as studies addressing cross-linguistic issues.
Registered in Scopus.
Buhalterinės teorijos apskaita ir praktika, ISSN 1822-8682, eISSN 2538-8762, Editor-in-Chief Rasa Subačienė
Founded in 1958. Dedicated to analyse topical theoretical and practical issues related to accounting, audit and analysis, which reveal the influence of a constantly changing environment on the development of these spheres, evaluation of their scientific development and trends, problematics of the application of the methods, processes, methodologies and other aspects as well as recent scientific researches.
Ekonomika, ISSN 1392-1258, eISSN 2424-6166, Editor-in-Chief Algirdas Miškinis
Founded in 1960. Dedicated to publishing articles analyzing the current economy, the sectoral situation and the development of business strategies for local and foreign markets, which directly contributes to Central and Eastern European economic development.
Registered in Scopus.
Information & Media, eISSN 2783-6207, Editor-in-Chief Vladislav Fomin
Information & Media continues Informacijos mokslai (1392-0561, 1392-1487).
Founded in 1994. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: media technology; media management; information systems and management; management of technology and innovation; information and knowledge management; information and knowledge society, its legislative, technological, cultural and economic aspects; organisational communication; gender communication; international and intercultural communication; media culture.
Indexed in the Scopus.
Informatica, ISSN 0868-4952, eISSN 1822-8844, Editor-in-Chief Gintautas Dzemyda
Founded in 1990. Dedicated to publishing articles on mathematical simulation and optimization, recognition and control, programming theory and systems, automation systems and elements.
Registered in Scopus and Web of Science.
Informatics in Education, ISSN 1648-5831, eISSN 2335-8971, Editor-in-Chief Valentina Dagienė
Founded in 2002. Dedicated to publishing articles on informatics and education.
Registered in Scopus.
Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai, ISSN 1648-8776, Editor-in-Chief Diana Strakšienė
The journal is designed for publishing papers on research projects carried out by junior academic staff: junior researchers, PhDs, university teachers, PhD students, students in a Master’s degree programs. Field of the research: Social, Humanities, Physical, Technological, Biomedical sciences.
Kalbotyra, ISSN 1392-1517, eISSN 2029-8315, Editor-in-Chief Jolanta Šinkūnienė.
Founded in 1958. Dedicated to publishing articles on synchronic and diachronic research into various aspects of language studies as well as studies addressing cross-linguistic issues.
Registered in Scopus.
Knygotyra, ISSN 2345-0053, eISSN 2345-0053, Editor-in-Chief Aušra Navickienė
Founded in 1961. Seeks to cover interdisciplinary research topics on book and digital media history and culture, including book history and historiography, traditional and digital publishing, research on media literacy and reading, printed and digital heritage etc.
Indexed in the Scopus database from 2018.
Kriminologijos studijos, ISSN 2351-6097, eISSN 2538-8754, Editor-in-Chief Laima Žilinskienė
Founded in 2014. Dedicated to publishing articles in criminology.
Lietuvių kalba, eISSN 1822-525X, Editor-in-Chief Irena Smetonienė
Founded in 2007. Dedicated to publishing articles on all core aspects of the Lithuanian language including phonetics and phonology, morphology and syntax, lexis and discourse, semantics and pragmatics.
Lietuvos chirurgija, ISSN 1392-0995, eISSN 1648-9942, Editor-in-Chief Narimantas Evaldas Samalavičius
Founded in 1993. Publishes scientific surgical articles written by Lithuanian and foreign authors.
Lietuvos istorijos studijos, ISSN 1392-0448, eISSN 1648-9101, Editor-in-Chief Alfredas Bumblauskas
Founded in 1993. Publishes scientific surgical articles written by Lithuanian and foreign authors.
Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, ISSN 0132-2818, eISSN 2335-898X, Editor-in-Chief Artūras Štikonas
Founded in 2007. Dedicated to publishing articles in all fields of mathematics.
Literatūra, ISSN 0258-0802, eISSN 1648-1143, Editor-in-Chief Rūta Šlapkauskaitė.
Founded in 1958. Dedicated to publishing articles on Lithuanian and World literature as well as studies concerned with the Classics and cultural studies.
Indexed in Scopus.
Nonliner Analysis: Modelling and controll, ISSN 1392-5113, eISSN 2335-8963, Editor-in-Chief Romas Baronas.
Founded in 2007. Dedicated to publishing articles on nonlinear processes and phenomena, including the nonlinear modelling of phenomena of the nature.
Registered in Scopus and Web of Science.
Olympiads in Informatics, ISSN 1822-7732, eISSN 2335-8955, Editor-in-Chief Valentina Dagienė
Founded in 2007. Dedicated to publishing articles on teaching and learning informatics through olympiads and other competitions.
Indexed in Scopus.
Organizations and Markets in emerging economies, ISSN 2029-4581, eISSN 2345-0037, Editor-in-Chief Sigitas Urbonavičius
Founded in 2010. Dedicated to publishing articles on new aspects of organizational and market studies in emerging economies.
Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science Emerging Sources.
Politologija, ISSN 1392-1681, eISSN 24246034, Editor-in-Chief Justinas Dementavičius.
Founded in 1989. Publishes articles on political science and international relations.
Indexed in the Scopus database since 2012.
Problemos, ISSN 1392-1126, eISSN 2424-6158, Editor-in-Chief Nijolė Radavičienė
Founded in 1968. Journal of philosophy. Publishes research articles, book reviews and an academic chronicle.
Indexed in the Scopus database from 2002 and in the Web of Science database from 2005.
Psichologija, ISSN 1392-0359, eISSN 2345-0061, Editor-in-Chief Jurgita Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė.
Founded in 1962 (Psychology – from 1980). Dedicated to publishing articles analyzing all fields of psychology and interdisciplinary research.
Religija ir kultūra, ISSN 1822-4539, eISSN 1822-4571, Editor-in-Chief Rita Šerpytytė
Founded in 2004. Publishes articles on the phenomenon of religion and the relationship between religion and culture by integrating religious studies with religious philosophy and other relevant disciplines of the field.
Last issue published in 2017.
Respectus Philologicus, ISSN 1392-8295, eISSN 2335-2388, Editor-in-Chief Gabija Bankauskaitė
Founded in 1999. Publishes articles on linguistics, issues of literary narratives and contexts, influence of advertising discourse, theory and practice of translation, and audiovisual research.
Indexed in Scopus.
Seksualinė medicina, ISSN 2345-0770, Editor-in-Chief Robertas Adomaitis.
Specialusis ugdymas, ISSN 1392-5369, Editor-in-Chief Renata Geležinienė.
Specialusis ugdymas seeks to promote a multidisciplinary approach; it is open for educational, psychological, sociological, medical, managerial, political and other tradition of disability analysis.
Indexed in Scopus.
Slavistica Vilnensis, ISSN 2351-6895, eISSN 2424-6115, Editor-in-Chief Jelena Konickaja
Founded in 1999. Publishes articles on linguistics, issues of literary narratives and contexts, influence of advertising discourse, theory and practice of translation, and audiovisual research.
Indexed in Scopus.
Socialiniai tyrimai, ISSN 1392-3110, Editor-in-Chief Teodoras Tamošiūnas.
The uniqueness of the scientific journal Socialiniai tyrimai (Eng. Social Research) among other periodicals of similar or related topics is the orientation towards the results of original social research.
Socialinė teorija, empirija, politika ir praktika. (STEPP), ISSN 1648-2425, eISSN 2345-0266, Editor-in-Chief Eugenijus Dunajevas
Founded in 2001. Publishes articles on social work and social policy.
Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas, ISSN 1392-3358, eISSN 2335-8890, Editor-in-Chief Liutauras Kraniauskas
Founded in 1997. Publishes articles on the critical study of contemporary social and cultural change – including the shifting status of sociology itself – from a variety of perspectives.
Social Welfare : Interdisciplinary Approach, ISSN 2424-3876, Editor-in-Chief Remigijus Bubnys
Social welfare : interdisciplinary approach is a peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original articles, critical reviews, research notes in the interdisciplinary area of social, education, health, environment, and other sciences. Interdisciplinarity is encouraged.
Indexed in Web of Science Emerging Sources.
Teisė, ISSN 1392-1274, eISSN 2424-6050, Editor-in-Chief Gintaras Švedas
Founded in 1957. Publishes articles on theoretical and practical issues of law.
Transformations in Business and Economics, ISSN 1648-4460, Editor-in-Chief Dalia Štreimikienė
Founded in 2002. Publishes articles on business, economics, market environment and its development.
Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.
Verbum, ISSN 2029-6223, eISSN 2538-8746, Editor-in-Chief Danguolė Melnikienė
Founded in 2010. Publishes articles on the studies of Germanic, Roman and Slavic languages as well as on the issues of education.
Indexed in Scopus.
Vertimo studijos, ISSN 2029-7033, eISSN 2424-3590, Editor-in-Chief Nijolė Maskaliūnienė
Founded in 2008. Publishes articles covering a wide range of topics concerning translation and interpretation.
Žurnalistikos tyrimai, ISSN 2029-1132, eISSN 2424-6042, Editor-in-Chief Andrius Vaišnys.
Founded in 2008. Publishes articles covering a wide range of topics concerning translation and interpretation.
Scandinavistica Vilnensis, ISSN 2029-2112, eISSN 2669-0497.
Started in 2009 by the Centre for Scandinavian Studies at Vilnius University. It is a series of academic publications, study books and translations of Scandinavian literature.
Semiotika, ISSN 1392-0219, eISSN 2424-547X, Editor-in-Chief Irina Melnikova.
Founded in 1994. Is a multidisciplinary journal focusing on both theoretical and practical aspects of cultural semiotics, structuralism and poststructuralism. It covers contemporary semiotic research, history and theory of semiotics and analysis of various types of discourse.
Taikomoji kalbotyra, ISSN 1392-0219, eISSN 2029-8935, Editor-in-Chief Meilutė Ramonienė.
Founded in 2012. The electronic research journal Applied Linguistics aims to publish articles of theoretical and empirical research, précis, reviews of books and articles, and academic essays on issues of applied linguistics.
Indexed in Scopus.
Vilnius University Open Series, eISSN 2669-0535.
Established in 2019, this journal contains various selected articles in series.
Vilnius University Proceedings, eISSN 2669-0233.
Established in 2019, this journal contains various selected articles prepared by the community of Vilnius University.