03 2021-06

Lithuanian research center of health sciences

By |2021-06-03T13:20:34+03:002021-06-03|Categories: Lithuanian Journal Publishers|

Lithuanian research center of health sciences is a publisher of two scholarly journals: Medical Sciences / Medicinos mokslai ISSN: 2345-0592 Editor-in-Chief Dr. Rasa Baltušytė Founded in 2012. Aims of the journal: sharing significant scientific ideas, improving and spreading it over scientific societies. One of the main resulting priorities – increasing the popularity of medical researches and [...]

02 2021-02

Nature Research Centre

By |2022-05-20T08:43:53+03:002021-02-02|Categories: Lithuanian Journal Publishers|

About Nature Research Centre   Engaged in research and experimental development in the fields of biomedical and physical sciences. Baltica ISSN code of print-version is 0067-3064 of electronic version e-ISSN code is 1648-858X Editor-in-Chief  Prof. Dr. Albertas BITINAS [email protected] Baltica is a peer-reviewed journal published biannually in cooperation with the geoscientists of the [...]

01 2021-02

Lithuanian Sports University

By |2022-05-17T11:31:15+03:002021-02-01|Categories: Lithuanian Journal Publishers|

Lithuanian Sports University Publishes scientific and promotional books, monographs, study literature, scientific popular books, PhD theses and three peer-reviewed research journals. Baltic Journal of Sport & Health Sciences  ISSN 2351-6496, eISSN 2538-8347 Vyr. redaktorius Marius Brazaitis The journal publishes original research articles in the following areas: Physical Education, Sports Coaching, Sports Pedagogy, [...]

28 2021-01

Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore

By |2021-01-28T14:08:29+02:002021-01-28|Categories: Lithuanian Journal Publishers|

The Institute publishes four peer-reviewed scholarly journals: Colloquia. ISSN 1823-3737 (print) Editor-in-Chief prof. dr. Gitana Vanagaitė (Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, Vytautas Magnus University), atsakingoji redaktorė dr. Gintarė Bernotienė (Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore) Tautosakos darbai (Folklore studies). ISSN 1392-2831 (print) Editor-in-Chief Assoc. prof. dr. Bronė Stundžienė (Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore) Senoji [...]

20 2020-08

General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania

By |2021-11-03T14:04:07+02:002020-08-20|Categories: Lithuanian Journal Publishers|

The Academy publishes five peer-reviewed scholarly journals: Karo archyvas ISSN 1392-6489/eISSN 2424-6123 Scientific editor dim. plk. ltn. dr. Gintautas Surgailis Šiuolaikinės visuomenės ugdymo veiksniai ISSN 2424-6131/eISSN 2424-614X Scientific editor doc. dr. Dileta Jatautaitė Challenges To National Defence in Contemporary Geopolitical Situation ISSN 2669-2023/e ISSN 2538-8959 Editor-in-Chief prof. dr. Svajonė Bekešienė Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues ISSN 2029-7017/eISSN 2029-7025 [...]

31 2020-03

Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences

By |2020-03-31T16:43:57+03:002020-03-31|Categories: Lithuanian Journal Publishers|

Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences is a publisher of a journal Vadyba/Journal of Management ISSN 1648-7974, eISSN 2424-399X Published since 2002. Vadyba/Journal of Management is periodically published twice a year: in May and October. The articles published in the journal are open access. The aim of the journal is to promote exchange in scientific knowledge [...]

15 2019-05

Vilnius Academy of Arts

By |2020-03-31T16:28:47+03:002019-05-15|Categories: Lithuanian Journal Publishers|

Vilnius Academy of Arts is a publisher of a journal Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis (AAAV). The journal is a peer-reviewed quarterly established in 1993 and devoted to the study of art history and visual culture with special emphasis on the arts of Lithuania and its contexts. Every issue of the AAAV focuses on a specific topic [...]

26 2019-02


By |2019-07-01T12:12:27+03:002019-02-26|Categories: Lithuanian Journal Publishers|

Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications      ISSN 2351-6046 / eISSN 2351-6054  Editors-in-Chief: Prof. Kęstutis Kubilius Prof. Yuliya Mishura The journal is indexed in: Current Index to Statistics – Extended Database (CIS/ED), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCOhost, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of Web of Science, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, MathSciNet, Scopus, Scilit, Zentralblatt MATH Database [...]

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