All journals introduced in the Catalogue of Lithuanian Scientific Journals are peer-reviewed. Information on journals was provided by their editorial boards. The Abstracts&Indexing section alone was supplemented with information from the Ulrich’s (Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory) database. The CrossCheck marking means that an editorial board of a journal employs the plagiarism prevention service offered by CrossRef.
Acknowledgements. The Council of the Association of Lithuanian Serials would like to express its gratitude to editorial boards of all journals
that partook in this initiative for the especially smooth collaboration.
The Lithuanian Scientific Journals
ISBN 978-609-95241-1-5
© The Association of Lithuanian Serials, 2011
Lithuanian Scientific Journals’2011 in Lithuanian [ PDF ].
Lithuanian Scientific Journals’2011 in English [ PDF ].
Raimundas Kirvaitis
President of the Association of Lithuanian Serials
Science begins with a scholar’s attempt to capture thoughts on paper. Science pioneers manually created and copied manuscripts. The era of printed word gave rise to the first scholarly publications. By coincidence, both English and French scholars issued their first ever-scientific journals – which also happened to be the first publications of this kind in the history of the world – in 1665.
Soon after, scientific journals started specializing, their numbers grew by a geometric progression and papers publications were replaced with their electronic versions. Only one thing has remained unchanged – the mission of scientific journals to inform about the science news, disseminate scientific knowledge as well as exchange, develop and discuss ideas. An article in a scientific journal anchors the authorship of a previously unknown scientific information.
There is yet another important purpose of an article in a scientific journal. First articles train a young scholar to compose a scientific text: the future PhD thesis and – later – the more mature piece of work, i.e. a monograph.
The number of journals published in a country and their acknowledgement on the global scale as well as the number of articles issued in national and global scientific journals and their citation levels define the state of science within that country.
During the first few years of the Restored Independence, Lithuania was unable to take pride in either the numbers of scientific journals published, or in their dissemination on a global scale, or quantities of articles published in foreign scientific journals. However, over the course of twenty years, extensive efforts of Lithuanian scientists supported by state institutions bore abundant fruit. As the result, nearly 150 scientific journals are published in Lithuania today and a significant number of these publications are acknowledged in the world of science. 31 Lithuanian scientific journals are referenced in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, 20 of which have the citation index Impact Factor. Additionally, 36 scientific journals of Lithuania are indexed by Scopus, 28 of which have the SJR (SCImago Journal Rank); six journals were attributed to the top Q1 category, meanwhile eight publications – to the Q2, seven – to the Q3, and seven more – to the Q4 category.
The first Catalogue of Lithuanian Scientific Journals introduces the national and global academic society to 78 scientific journals grouped into science fields and areas. We believe that the Catalogue will contribute to dissemination of information about the Lithuanian scientific journals in our country and the world as well as encourage publishers to improve the quality of produced publications.