Thomson Reuters published research journal indicators 2010 in Journal Citation Report (JCR) on 28 June 2011. We would like to congratulate the following editors-in-chief: Zenonas Dabkevičius, Mifodijas Sapagovas and Vincentas Lamanauskas whose journals got first citation indicators – Impact Factors this year. Congratulations for Prof. Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas whose three edited journals took leading positions in their research fields.
In its published results, Thomson Reuters failed to avoid mistakes related to the Lithuanian journals. JCR 2010 announces 100% self-citation of journal Engineering Economics, whereas there are only two self-citations. It is an obvious mistake which is going to be corrected in a renewed JCR in September this year. Another surprising fact is that journal International Journal of Strategic Property Management is published in Eskimo language. Such information could mislead potential authors willing to publish their publications in a good journal: this journal occupies 31st position among 140 journals it its field and has been attributed the highest Q1 category.
Consolidated reports prepared by the Association of Lithuanian Serials, which are attached below, contain indicators of the Lithuanian research journals from 2010: 21 journal of physical, biomedical and technological sciences and 7 journals of social sciences. The results of these journals from 2009 are presented for the sake of comparison. They indicate that the majority of the journals have improved their indicators and positions in their research field. There is a huge concern, however, about self-citation indicators of several Lithuanian journals which may not be given citation indicators for 2011.
Lithuanian Research Journals in the Journal Citation Report 2010 [JCR 2009 Lithuania ] 2010-06-18
Physical, Biomedical and Technological Sciences [ PDF ].
Social Sciences [ PDF ].