Kristina Masevičiūtė, Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA)
Speech at the conference National Research Journals: Quantity and Quality on March 18th, 2015 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA) in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania and Research Council of Lithuania has started Lithuanian Research Assessment Exercise by the end of 2013. The Lithuanian RAE is intended to benchmark Lithuanian research in an international context. Methodological framework includes international expert panels, which according to five criteria aim to assess different aspects of research.
The expert panels were presented with the following data:
– The self-assessment reports of each Unit of Assessment;
– Best research outputs;
– Information gained during site visits;
– Bibliomterics and other statistical data of each Unit of Assessment.
Expert panels are visiting institutions during January and February, 2015. Final report and dissemination of the results is due in April.
This presentation is based on the primary data from the Lithuanian RAE and will focus on addressing the question: In which scientific journals do Lithuanian researchers publish their best publications? Experts’ recommendations for the policy on national scientific journals will be shared as well.
More about the project: