LMT support for similarity checking and participation in Crossref
The Association of Lithuanian Serials has received support for its activities under the Lithuanian Research Council's call for proposals Support for academic networks. The support is intended [...]
Video recording of the international conference “Periodicals and a changing society. Periodicals in Lithuanian – 200”
Here is a video of the conference: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5bz0dbXpVagtcHnv4uvApkhvCakzohMr On 20 October, one of the sessions was devoted to periodicals and digital publishing, moderated by Prof. Dr. Rita [...]
The program of the international conference “Periodical publications and a changing society. Periodical press in Lithuanian – 200” has been published
The program of the conference: https://www.ibsc2023.kf.vu.lt/programa/ More about the conference: The periodical press, as a means of mass communication, reflects the collective relationship with a society. It [...]
International research conference “The Periodicals and a Changing Society: The 200th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Periodical Press”
The periodical press, as a means of mass communication, reflects the collective relationship with a society. It is the fourth estate governing humankind without any laws or [...]
European Humanities University became a member of the Association of Lithuanian Serials
European Humanities University joined the Association of Lithuanian Serials. The European Humanities University was founded in Minsk in 1992. EHU was the first educational institution in Belarus, [...]
Vilnius Business College became a member of the Association of Lithuanian Serials
Vilnius Business College joined the Association of Lithuanian Serials. Vilnius Business College started its activities in 1989 as one of the first non-state higher schools. Since 2007, [...]
A new council and president have been elected
The general meeting of the association elected a new council and president of the association for a three-year period. Council members (2022–): Vincas Grigas | Vilnius University [...]
The community of the association was supplemented by Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences
Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences joined The Association of Lithuanian Serials. Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences is the only state higher educational institution in Šiauliai [...]