Open Journal Systems: Best Practices and Use Cases
Webinar exploring Open Journal Systems (OJS) the free and open-source software designed to streamline the management and publishing of scholarly journals. This webinar is perfect for journal [...]
The association has joined the supporters of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information
The Lithuanian Association of Academic and Scholarly Journals has joined the supporters of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information. Additionally, it has translated the declaration into [...]
LCC International University became a member of the Association of Lithuanian Serials
LCC International University joined the Association of Lithuanian Serials. Founded in 1991 in Klaipėda, Lithuania, LCC International University is a leading liberal arts institution, modeled on North [...]
Invitation to the event “Advancing Open Science: The Barcelona Declaration and Open Research Information”
The hybrid event “Advancing Open Science: The Barcelona Declaration and Open Research Information“ will take place on 6 December 2024 at 11:00 a.m. (EET) at Mykolas Romeris [...]
LMT support for similarity checking and participation in Crossref
The Association of Lithuanian Serials has received support for its activities under the Lithuanian Research Council's call for proposals Support for academic networks. The support is intended [...]
Video recording of the international conference “Periodicals and a changing society. Periodicals in Lithuanian – 200”
Here is a video of the conference: On 20 October, one of the sessions was devoted to periodicals and digital publishing, moderated by Prof. Dr. Rita [...]
The program of the international conference “Periodical publications and a changing society. Periodical press in Lithuanian – 200” has been published
The program of the conference: More about the conference: The periodical press, as a means of mass communication, reflects the collective relationship with a society. It [...]
International research conference “The Periodicals and a Changing Society: The 200th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Periodical Press”
The periodical press, as a means of mass communication, reflects the collective relationship with a society. It is the fourth estate governing humankind without any laws or [...]