09 2016-09

Lithuanian Journals Meeting the Needs of Digital Scholarly Communication

By |2016-11-23T16:08:00+02:002016-09-09|Categories: Events|

Organisers of the Conference: Research Council of Lithuania, The Association of Lithuanian Serials, ISM University of Management and Economics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University   The Conference will be held at  ISM University of Management and Economics, building III,  auditorium 114B, Arklių g. 18,  LT-01129  Vilnius, Lithuania    25 October 2016   during International Open Access Week  2016    This Conference welcomes journal editors, [...]

21 2015-04

CrossRef European Workshop in Vilnius

By |2015-06-29T10:51:07+03:002015-04-21|Categories: Events|

  Partners: The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Organizers:  CrossRef  and the Association of Lithuanian Serials   Aim and scope The workshop will consider good practice publishing for journals and books, how CrossRef services can improve digital journal and book quality, and ways to promote ethical publishing. It will also demonstrate how CrossRef services can enable digital journals and books [...]

26 2015-01

Conference National Research Journals: Quantity and Quality

By |2015-03-31T16:36:46+03:002015-01-26|Categories: Events|

The patron of the conference is  The Committee on Education, Science and Culture of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Partners:  The Research Council of Lithuania, The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Kaunas University of Technology, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Organizer of the conference  The Association of Lithuanian Serials Organizing committee: chair  Eleonora Dagienė (VGTU); members: Leonas Balaševičius (KUT), Inga Žalėnienė [...]

19 2014-03

Conference ‘Technologies Transforming Research Assessment’

By |2014-04-01T15:00:50+03:002014-03-19|Categories: Events|

The patron of the conference is  The Committee on Education, Science and Culture of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Partners:  The Research Council of Lithuania, Kaunas University of Technology, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Date: March 19, 2014 (Wednesday) Venue: The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania,  Gedimino pr. 53, Vilnius, Lithuania   The Aim of the [...]

26 2012-10

Research Journals Publishing: Plagiarism Prevention and Publication Ethics. Round table discussion

By |2016-08-24T18:48:03+03:002012-10-26|Categories: Events|

Round table discussion "Research journals publishing: plagiarism prevention and publication ethics" Organizers: Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, The Association of Lithuanian Serials Date: November-07- 2012 (Wednesday) 10:00 a.m. till 12:00 a.m. Place: Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Small Hall (Gedimino pr. 3, Vilnius). Target group: editors of research journals, members of editorial boards and everyone who is related [...]

08 2012-05

Conference ‘Scientometrics: The Research Publication and Its Value’

By |2014-02-12T10:42:04+02:002012-05-08|Categories: Events|

This is the second conference on the topic of scientometrics initiated by LMPA. The first conference 'Scientometrics Tools: What Do We Know About Them and How Do We Use Them?' held on April 29, 2011. Organiser: The Association of Lithuanian Serials Partners:  The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, The Lithuanian Research Library Consortium Data: April 24, 2012 / 9.00 a.m. Venue: [...]

01 2012-03

Conference ‘The Value of Unique Scholarly Identifiers to Academics, Institutions and Countries’

By |2018-06-06T16:19:43+03:002012-03-01|Categories: Events|

The conference took place at the Parliament of Lithuania, in Vilnius  on February 14th, 2012. The topic of researcher identification is relevant not only to librarians and publishers but also to researchers of all subject areas.  Therefore, the main goal of the conference was to explain to the wide academic community how the latest technologies have been [...]

24 2011-11

Presentations of the Catalogue of the Lithuanian Research Journals 2011

By |2014-01-24T20:28:02+02:002011-11-24|Categories: Events|

The Catalogue of the Lithuanian Research Journals 2011 was presented at the Vilnius, London, Frankfurt Book Fairs and at the international conferences in Lithuania. We regret to say that the list of conferences is presented only in Lithuanian.   Conferences Lietuvos mokslo istorikų ir filosofų konferencija „Scientia et Historia – 2011“, Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas LMPA [...]

21 2011-10

Conference ‘Let‘s Open the Scholarly Knowledge to the World’

By |2014-01-21T15:41:27+02:002011-10-21|Categories: Events|

The conference Let’s Open the Scholarly Knowledge to the World will take place at The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (Gedimino ave. 3, Vilnius) on October 27th to mark an international Open Access week. The organizers of the event are The Lithuanian Research Library Consortium, The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and The Lithuanian Research Council. The conference [...]

21 2011-10

Lecture “Demystifying the Publishing Process”

By |2014-01-21T15:31:57+02:002011-10-21|Categories: Events|

If you think you are a rookie in writing research articles and submitting them to publishing, this lecture is right just for you. You will find out how to prepare an article so that it conforms to the requirements of research journal publishers and choose the most appropriate journal for your article by listening to a [...]

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